The movie, titled "Jobs," was initially set for an April 19 release, but this was later dropped. It has now just been announced that the movie will hit theaters across the US on August 16.
Directed by Joshua Michael Stern and starring Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney, Josh Gad and Lukas Haas, "Jobs" charts the life of Steve Jobs, who died on October 5, 2011, from dropping out of college to becoming one of the most widely respected tech pioneers on the planet.
Elsewhere on Google+ users of the social network are sharing their best images under the hashtag "#Photooftheday" and discussing a fire sweeping the Black Forest area in El Paso County, Colorado under today's top trending topic, "BlackForestFire."
The top 5 most talked about topics on Google+ on June 12 at 9:00 AM GMT are:
01. #BlackForestFire
02. #Photooftheday
03. Steve Jobs
04. Apple Inc.
05. #Spurs
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